A Printer's Christmas

Christmas at the Printers’ Almshouses in Woodgreen in 1896 was full of cheer. Good things poured in from all quarters. The printing firm of Eyre & Spottiswoode sent a gift of 3/- 6d to every married couple and 2/- 6d for single inmates. The Figgins type foundry forwarded a donation of £10. In addition there were gifts of groceries, fish, tobacco, furs, jewellery and miscellaneous literature. On the Saturday a tea and entertainment were provided and visitors from the town made their annual appearance. The British Printer cheerfully reported the event as a: ‘drop of warm sunshine to the old people in the winter of their lives. Perhaps some of us will spare a thought, and a substantial accompaniment, on future occasions. Who knows, we may be thankful for similar attentions ourselves when that old thief Time comes to steal away our vigour—and our savings.’ Indeed!