Baskerville Society Small Grant Scheme 2017

The Baskerville Society is delighted to announce the launch of a new small grant scheme.  Applications are invited from scholars, independent or affiliated, who are either engaged in research connected to the printer and typefounder John Baskerville (1706-75), or whose work covers printing history or print culture of eighteenth century England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and France. 

The scheme will offer grants of up to a maximum of £250 for immediate research needs such as, but not limited to, permissions for images; travelling and subsistence expenses to libraries or archives; costs of attending conferences relevant to your research, especially if you are giving a paper.

Applicant should apply in writing and include the following:

Contact details name, address, email address and telephone number;

Affiliation related institution if appropriate, and level of study; please indicate if you are an independent scholar

Conference attendance / archival research / researcher mobility what is the activity you would like to have funded; please provide dates and venues

Purpose of the activity & what will you gain If you are presenting at a conference, what is the title of the paper and what will you gain from the presentation? If you are visiting an archive, what will you gain from the visit?

Costs Conference fees, archive fees, travel expenses, accommodation. (If the application represents a contribution to a larger project, then please supply a breakdown of the total costs involved, together with other sources of income either sought or already received.)

Amount requested How much are you asking from the Baskerville Society?

Deadline  30 September 2017.   

Notification Grants awarded will be announced in the autumn at the launch of  John Baskerville:  art and industry in the enlightenment, published by Liverpool University Press.

Applications should be sent by email as a Word document to: Professor Caroline Archer-Parre (

Condition of the Grant A brief report will be required within three months of the grant being paid, explaining how the monies were spent, for example if the grant was used for conference attendance a copy of the paper given should be submitted. This report will be published in the Society’s newsletter.